Why workoutlikeamum?

Sooo this is my first ever blog! And I thought to myself where better to start than with an introduction to workoutlikeamum…
I am Sarah, a mum of 2, and workoutlikeamum started out with me setting up an Instagram account @workoutlikeamum in September 2016. I had spent that summer trying to juggle having the kids with me 24/7 over the holidays, along with keeping going with exercise and eating well, and to be honest it was hard! I loved going to the gym and running, but with the kids at home all the time, I found it hard to fit it in and get the childcare… With my group of friends we started to try and get creative about how we could fit our exercise in: taking it in turns to go out for runs while the other stayed in with the kids; working out in the playground while kids played; getting out for walks in the evening when the kids were in bed; or even doing workouts with the kids! There was nothing that existed that offered exercise classes that we could take our kids to……
My youngest was due to start school in September 2017 and I had been chatting to friends about what I wanted to do. I had been looking to do something that fitted around family life. I wanted something that I would enjoy and genuinely feel passionate about so I decided that I would train as a personal trainer. I wanted to be able to run exercise classes and do personal training, that worked around busy mums lives, so that they could fit exercise in and bring their kids if they wanted to. I also wanted to use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to share tips, workouts, recipes, motivation etc to help other mums trying to do the same….. I have recently launched Live workouts every Tuesday at 8pm. Check out my latest #liveworkout on Facebook and follow me on Facebook or Instagram if you’d like to see more!
One thing I found frustrating when looking on social media for exercise and food ideas was that there are lots of perfect and ripped PT’s and instructor’s that just made me disheartened and feel like I could never be as perfect as them… I wanted workoutlikeamum to be an honest and true reflection of trying to balance life as a busy mum with eating well and exercising regularly… This is where #itsallaboutbalance came from…. Let’s be honest it’s boring and unrealistic to be good 100% of the time. I am a normal mum who enjoys wine at the weekends (and now again on a school night….) and loves a good Friday night takeaway. But I am also a mum that loves to exercise regularly and eat well most of the time to balance out those treats… In my own journey losing weight, this was the way I finally got results and maintained once the weight was off.
So that’s where workoutlikeamum came from, and why it began… Now I am venturing into new territory starting this blog. I will be writing each week about different topics that relate to exercise, food, sportswear, being active and much more; all from the perspective of an exercise professional and a mum….
So if your reading this, what would you want to hear about from me? I am going to write a blog on my top tips for exercise during pregnancy next week (if you have any pregnant friends please share and spread the word). I am excited to be exploring lots of topics, so let me know what you’re interested in, and what you’d like to hear from #workoutlikeamum